Youth and Parent Defense Division
Youth and Parent Defense

The Youth and Parent Defense Division of the Cuyahoga County Office of the Public Defender provides representation in Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court for children accused of crimes and for parents facing abuse, neglect, or dependency allegations from Children and Family Services. The Youth and Parent Defense Division also represents parents facing contempt charges for the alleged non-payment of child support in both Juvenile and Domestic Relations Courts.
The Youth and Parent Defense Division is located at 9300 Quincy Avenue, 5th Floor, Cleveland Ohio, 44106. If you are a current client with questions, please contact your attorney. If you are looking for legal assistance with or have a question about a Juvenile Court case, please either submit a question or contact us at (216) 443-7295.
Juvenile Delinquency Cases - What to Expect
CFS (“Abuse, Neglect, and Dependency”) Cases - What to Expect
Contempt Cases in Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court – What to Expect
With its FIRST (Family Intervention Representation and Services Team) Program, the Public Defender’s Office provides early representation to families involved, or at risk of involvement, with the Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS). The purpose of this program is to offer early services and legal advice in non-emergency situations to preserve families and potentially avoid formal court involvement. If you have been contacted by DCFS and do not yet have an attorney, please call Jennifer Simmons at (216) 443-3588.